Aditya's Website - Graph Network Visualiser

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A graph network of Indian celebrities built by scraping Wikipedia and other websites. The graph also includes nodes representing States, Movies, Political Parties, etc and uses Neo4j DBMS to view various celebrities’ shortest paths, political connections and so on.


Tech Stack Used


Scraping and Building the Database:

The database of the project was populated by extensively scraping the respective person’s Wikipedia page. Additional information, like the person’s political affiliations were scraped from websites like .




Answering Complex Queries

The main objective of the project was to answer complex queries, like

Shortest Path:

The Shortest Path algorithm in Neo4j allows us to specify the nodes between which we want the shortest path, as well as the type of edges and nodes that should appear on the shortest path. The same has been done in the hosted site using React.

Modifications in Shortest Path:

A modification we have tried to implement in our project is to show the shortest path between actors only considering the movies they have acted in as links.


Mutual Friends

We envisioned this query to be useful when the two celebrities have a large number of contacts in common.

## Friend Recommendations :

Various other features have been implemented and they can be tested on! {“mode”:”full”,”isActive”:false}